Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Are You Planning A Move?

As soon as you find out you are moving, start gearing up for moving day because the earlier you start, the more time you have to make decisions about what to move and what to leave behind.

Moving (or even just pretending that you're moving) is a great way to unclutter your home. Here are a few tips to get you started:

* Purge first, then pack. Grab a box of trash bags. Go through your home one room at a time with the goal of collecting those things that have been collecting dust for years. Throw away anything that's unfixable, ugly or shabby. Bring the rest to your nearest thrift store or favorite charity.

* Take only your favorites. As you go through your things, ask yourself: Do I use this? Do I love it? If the answer is no, let it go. Packing is a lot easier when you've got less stuff to pack.

* Think ahead. As you pack, consider whether or not you will need a particular item where you are going. Will you be able to ride that mountain bike? Will all your furniture fit in your new home? Keep in mind that the fewer things you move, the less it costs to move them and the quicker it is to pack and unpack.

* Label boxes. Always label each box with the room you want the box to go to in your new home. Also add a note about the contents. Example: Kitchen - Pots and pans or Master Bedroom - His dresser.

Someone I recently spoke with said that she's been living in her new home for three months and there are still boxes and things that need to be put away. She asked, "After a big move to another house how do you just sit down and unpack everything and find a spot for it?"

This was my response: You probably unpacked all the things you really needed. Could it be possible that you really don't need what you have yet to unpack? I advised her to spend 15 minutes each day unpacking one box at a time and making decisions about what to keep and what to toss.

Always ask yourself: What's the worst possible thing that could happen if I got rid of this? Then give yourself permission to let it go and enjoy the freedom that comes as a result!

Happy Moving Day!

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